Erasing the name of the eugenicist founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, hasn’t stopped the largest provider of abortions from racially profiling its clients and terminating their precious children. Women deserve better®, including those of color and the poor.
Read FFL President Serrin M. Foster and Editor Damian J. Geminder’s insights in America magazine into the reprehensible history of Planned Parenthood — and why dropping her name is not good enough.

On Tuesday, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced that it will remove founder Margaret Sanger’s name from its Manhattan health clinic and urge New York City leaders to remove her name from a street sign near the clinic because of her “harmful connections to the eugenics movement.”
It took them long enough.
It is certainly a welcome acknowledgment of historical fact that Planned Parenthood is owning the racist, eugenicist history of Sanger. But this does not excuse their continued perpetuation of her legacy through their insidious practice of targeting the most vulnerable….
And please, after appreciating the latest contribution by Serrin and Damian (who are working hard along with our nine amazing interns to prepare for the school year), take a moment to make a tax-deductible gift.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank you.
Because women deserve better,
Kara A. Sorenson
Chair of the Board
Feminists for Life of America